Substitutes for ingredients

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  • #5092

    I live in the rural North Georgia mountains. There are no groceries or farms that offer raw dairy products. I understand you can substitute organic low fat milk but what about the substitute for raw cheese. Also please suggest a commercial bread that’s acceptable. There’s NO sprouted wheat in this area.


    The organic option

    Though generally pasteurized and homogenized, organic milk and dairy products are favorable second choices behind raw dairy. The lack of antibiotics and hormones in the cow feed not only presents an inherent benefit to the consumer, but the cows are much better taken care of than commercial cows, out of necessity to preserve their health and well-being without chemical back-up.

    Organic milk has also been found to be significantly lower in saturated fat than raw milk. When compounded with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants from grass and red/white clovers in grass-fed cows, the fat and nutrient composition can be naturally superior to most milks.

    However, while cows raised for raw milk production nearly always graze on pesticide-free green grass, those raised for organic pasteurized milk may not be. Therefore, it is recommended to seek an organic milk from a company that specifies “grass-fed” and/or “free-range”.

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