Success stories? Anyone care to share?

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    Started on last Monday and have lost 9lbs! Only once felt hungry and with a meal not coming up and that was one night when the cat spent 2 hours driving me batty when I was trying to sleep. I ended up getting up, ushering the cat out with my foot behind his butt and having a stick of celery 🙂

    The big bonus to me though is being able to relax in the evening and not craving food all the time and ending up raiding the fridge.


    Well done everyone!!! I am down 22 lb. since last January, feel great and it’s staying off 🙂


    I have been in search of and have tried many ways of eating – some call them diets. I have been looking for the “healthiest” way to eat and know the pitfalls of following one way of eating and becoming disillusioned. I was a raw-food vegan for almost two years and loved it! I lost 40 pounds, exercised at least 4 to 5 times a week and felt great. However, with two shoulder surgeries in two years, I was unable to do the preparation needed to maintain this lifestyle (not to mention the time it took was major). Here I am – this plan is the best for me. I have lost about 8 pounds. Combining the right foods in the right amounts and keeping the body happy – it doesn’t get any better than this. I do find I have to wash a lot of dishes at work now, but it is all good! Now I’m working on my BP.


    I have come out of the closet in regards to my weight showing in my profile and I’ve also uploaded a photo taken yesterday when I got back from collecting my new car.

    Over the weekend I had an email conversation with Adam Feldman, Director of the Customer Satisfaction and Success Program, with a view to him creating a success story. He had picked up on my previous post in this thread where I said that a big bonus to me was that I hadn’t felt any cravings or only very fleeting ones since I’d been following the plan. I did write him a piece where I went into details of why the lack of cravings was so brilliant to me.

    In my early 20’s I was bulimic although since I was a teenager I’ve been a compulsive eater when I am stressed or depressed and even after having treatment in my 30’s for my eating disorders I’ve still had to fight with the compulsive eating. The cravings are so strong that to deal with them I do my main supermarket shopping online and have it delivered and other food shopping which I can’t get online I get a friend who knows of my problems to go with. When I go out to visit friends, family and things like the post office I leave my purse behind because I can tell when the cravings are going to come over me and I’ll cave in and spend £10 or so on what I call binge food. Money I can’t afford; so that puts extra stress on me and so I want to eat, a vicious circle.

    One of the things that Adam wanted was before and after photos and that was the sticking point for me. At first I thought I had a before photo but I hated it and I told him I wouldn’t be comfortable having another taken at this point because I didn’t think it would show that much difference and I wouldn’t be comfortable with either going online. After sending that email reply I looked through all the photos of me; not many, and compared them to my sporadic weight diary and the last one taken was in May 2010 and it appeared that I was 4lbs lighter than I was when I replied to Adam on Saturday. I did finding it depressing doing the comparisons and seeing how far I had to go. In a reply the next day I explained about the before photo but said I would have one taken this week and depending how I got on in the next few weeks would depend on when I’d have the next one taken. I also mentioned that I never discussed my weight with anyone and especially a male someone and that it was a testament to the confidence I had in the TDC plan that I was able to be as honest as I had been with him.

    Somehow through that email conversation and the comparisons I did with looking at all the photos and my weight diary and spending 2 hours last night reading through the forums I have found that something has shifted inside me. Not just couple more lbs in weight lol… but the shame that has been with me since I was called fatty in my teens has lessened. That is not just down to the TDC but down to all of you fellow travelers on this journey to health. For the first time in my life I feel safe to talk about my weight and that I won’t be judged as a lesser human – Thank you!!

    I have been on the plan for 16 days and lost a total of 13 lbs but more importantly but no doubt as a result of the weight loss I am finding that I can do double the walking and gardening without feeling anymore pain than before I started the plan in my joints. It was the decrease in my mobility over the last couple of years that led me to the TDC. Also the cravings are gone or so fleeting that just telling myself that I can have a piece of cake if I want one but I don’t now can send them packing. Maybe one day soon I will feel confident enough to go to the shops on my own…


    Congratulations, Crissy and Healthwalker, and especially to you, Anna, for having the courage to ‘come out of the closet’! This is a great place to conquer our problems with cravings and find a new balance in life. It has certainly worked for me, now my challenge is maintenance…..I still have to be vigilant and not give in to momentary impulses, old habits die hard!


    Pity we can’t update the little changes in weight on the profile . Only a kilo at a time. I’d like to write 84.4 but it won’t let me so i wrote 85 instead. Not bad for one week of this indredible diet plan down from 86 kg .When i told my partner i was starting a diet that i have to eat 6 times a day , he said oh no you’ll be 100 kg by xmas, but no that’s very not true.
    I have made my own soy yogurt from soy compound and yogurt starter and added a thickener . Came out great no fat no sugar.
    I need to be carefull where i buy my nuts from cause they have preservatives in them and i get headaches from preservatives, so only organic nuts. I’m still looking for organic corn tortillas. Anyone know where to get them from?


    I’ve lost 4 lbs since Saturday!!! Started at 266-now 250– 16 lbs!!!


    Hit the 30lb. milestone today! started June 10th and 4 months later…feeling awesome!


    I had my first success today. I’m down two pounds in the first 10 days of the program. This is huge to me, because I was at a ‘set’ point that I haven’t been able to break through for 4 months. YIPPEEEE!


    Ellis and Weight struggler I am so happy for your success!! sooo exciting!!


    Thank you Deb. I’m Donna, by the way. When I signed up, I didn’t know what to use for a name. I picked this one because I’ve been struggling and yo yoing since I was a teenager. I’m hoping for more good things in the coming weeks.


    Johnny, I too have dropped my diastolic from a solid 90 into the 70s, in the first week. I’m looking forward to the doctor telling me to cut back on my meds.


    This is the most useful ap. I’ve seen.


    It is definitely NOT a con. Everybody here is more than willing to help. Ossie-Sharon will get back to you with answers on any questions, that you may have.


    I’m following the plan without much difficulty and in two weeks lost 7 lbs!!! I cut out processed “white bread and pasta”. Now, I eat gluten-free or brown rice pasta — even my two teens like it, (especially the cork-screw shape pasta). I take salads, fruit, edamame, brown rice, no-fat Greek yogurt (sweetened with Stevia) to work for lunch. Dinner, I have a protein (fish, chicken, sprouted tofu rarely beef), salad, veggie, and carb (gluten free or brown rice pasta or brown rice). For breakfast, I eat gluten-free cereal (sprinkled with chia or flax seeds) or sprouted wheat muffin, and fruit. Snacks are edamame, fruit, brown rice cakes w/ hummus spread, and low-fat string cheese. I eat every 2 to 3 hours on a schedule (6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm, 7:30 pm. I do not allow myself to get hungry. As I always have — I buy the majority of my food at Trader Joes and Whole Foods. I hope that this helps others that are struggling.

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