Sweeteners & Raw foods

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    What are your thoughts on coconut nectar & raw sweets such as raw brownies which is made with raw coco & other raw ingredient. High in fat, low on glycemic


    On a side note or ppl who can’t find a lot of these items in their local stores or don’t have speciality stores , Amazon & Iherb.com sell EVERYTHING and for MUCH cheaper then most stores.


    Thanks for the heads-up about shopping! That will help A LOT. Coconut nectar is great, and raw foods are also a fantastic choice.


    What exactly do you mean by “raw” foods? Uncooked? I notice that you often call for raw milk. Is that unpasteurized? If so, it is not available in Canada as all milk must be pasteurized by law.


    For me raw simply means something in its purest form. You can get so many foods in their raw form before they are processed. Like chocolate. In its purest form its the cacao bean & it’s great for us. You can buy cacao powder to nibs and make fabulous treats out of it. I use it in my smoothies, I make a raw brownie to die for ( in fact it was featured in a local magazine where I live) I did all raw ( meaning no food is cooked above 120 ) that preserves the integrity of the food value. When food it cooked above that temp it loses a lot of its benificcual properties. For me I love the concept of “raw” eating however, I enjoy meat & my food food heated & although I still eat as raw & organic as possible I needed to find a plan that allowed a good balance of both raw & cooked food ( as well as lean meats) True raw eating is totally diffrent then what the trim down club is doing & I think I’m going to like this & have a good lifestyle with this. It makes sense. As far as raw milk , I don’t do raw milk. I don’t like milk. I use coconut milk for everything including my cold cereal. That’s just my preference.


    Thanks for all your good ideas. I was reading that chocolate is one thing to reduce belly fat along with avocado, olive oil, olives, nuts & seeds, garlic, red peppers and tomatoes. Yet as for chocolate, what do you think of the Attune chocolate bar? I hear it’s 65% coco or higher without excess sugar. I didn’t see in our local WinCo Foods. Perhaps that’s another thing that I can find at a health food store. I’ve never tried coconut milk & coconut nectar. I’ll keep my eye out for it. Thanks


    Thanks for all your good ideas. I was reading that chocolate is one thing to reduce belly fat along with avocado, olive oil, olives, nuts & seeds, garlic, red peppers and tomatoes. Yet as for chocolate, what do you think of the Attune chocolate bar? I hear it’s 65% coco or higher without excess sugar. I didn’t see in our local Win Co Foods. Perhaps that’s another thing that I can find at a health food store. I’ve never tried coconut milk & coconut nectar. I’ll keep my eye out for it. Thanks


    Attune bars are quite good as candy goes, and generally consistent with the principles of the TrimDownClub. Do keep in mind that they have a high percentage of fat, particularly saturated fat, and would count as two fat exchanges if you wish to swap it out for butter or olive oil or something.
    These bars are available at the following store chains: Whole Foods, Trader Joes, Kroger’s, New Leaf Market, Publix, Sprouts, Von’s, Tom Thumbs, Randall’s, Safeway, Mollie Stone’s, A&P, Waldbaum’s, Stop N’Shop


    How does Demerara sugar compare to Stevia. Note Stevia is very expensive if used for all your sweeting needs.


    Do I really need to use Stevia syrup or can I just dissolve the powder in water?


    Demerara sugar is unrefined cane sugar – better than refined sugar, but will still raise blood sugar to a greater degree than Stevia, which is a sugar-free (calorie-free) powdered herbal extract.


    Regarding the cost of sweeteners – Stevia is actually not more expensive, because you use much less of it than sugar.


    can you substitute stevia powder with stevia sweetener and what is raw milk


    Stevia forms can be used interchangeably (1/8 tsp Stevia is equal in sweetness to about 3 drops of syrup).
    Raw milk is milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized. It is believed to contain more of milk’s innate nutritional value. Because it perishes easily, it can only be purchased in certain places – see the attached link http://www.realmilk.com/where.html


    Is stevia powder a raw form of stevia? I have what is called stevia in the raw but it is processed to a white form similar to sugar and is much lighter weight wise can I substitute that for the powder or is what I have what you consider the powder? Thanks for the milk list I found a farm close by. 🙂

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