SWG Cereal & Bread

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    What is this and where do you find it


    Wondering the same thing.


    “SWG” stands for “sprouted whole grain”. SWG products are those where the whole grains have been sprouted before baking, which increases the digestibility and nutrient availability. SWG breads, etc., are found in health-oriented stores such as Whole Foods, Trader Joes, and New Leaf. They can also be ordered online.


    Can you give some examples please? I have struck out on my first step in menu planner. I am in Australia. I have seen and tried some of these breads, I think(yuk) but dont know the full range. I use soy and linseed with wheat and also a rye with wheat bread.I am wheat intolerant but have had to use S&L due to availability. Currently I use the internet and get my groceries delivered. Of course I can make a trip just for bread if well enoughand I will probably hae to as I get into the diet. I can get spelt but this is a wheat too. Is this tolerated more than ordinary wheat? I know what it is and don’t mind it.
    many thanks


    Most wheat-intolerance is related to gluten, and gluten is gluten, so it isn’t recommended to try to distinguish between sources of gluten.
    Please see this link for online shopping


    Thank you
    I see my shopping centre has this brand and I think I have tried it but will look again. Actually I can eat rye so it is not gluten. It affects my nerves and I shake. Strange I know. I have never heard of anyone else getting this except the girl who told me about it. Plus it comes up on an allergy test whereas rye doesnt but oatmeal does. I used to be completely wheat free and it went away.I am now showing signs of overload again. But cutting down on gluten is really good for your health as we eat too much wheat.
    As I am looking through the reading I have another question I will post.I may have to refer this to the company.
    many thanks


    Where is the list of foods or drinks not to eat?


    You can find the 5 Foods under episode 4 “Making Wise Food Choices –What to Eat and Which Foods to Avoid?” in the “Trim Down Main Program Guide”, under the “My Downloads” area.


    Can anyone tell me an example of a SWG cereal?


    Members living in the UK may be interested to know that in America the term ‘wholewheat’ is what is known as ‘wholemeal’ in the UK. Found this little gem on the net. I was getting so confused between the two.

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