Too much food at lunch and dinner

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Too much food at lunch and dinner

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    I’m finding that there is too much food to eat for lunch and dinner at one sitting. What is a good method to shift some of the food to snacks? Is there an option for not eating all the food? If so what method do we use to cut down?

    I eat lunch between 11:30-12:30 pm and dinner between 7:30-8:30 pm. The first day I left the dessert snack for after dinner and I couldn’t eat it. Because of this I moved my evening snack (5:00) before dinner, which helps with being able to consume all the food listed. I’m still finding myself pretty full when I go to bed between 10:30 and 11:00, which is uncomfortable.

    I would like to be sated and not stuffed. I even verified that I had weight loss selected in my profile. I’ve always thought of myself as a volume eater but the volume is more than I can handle for lunch and dinner.


    Hi, Desera. However you move it is fine, so long as you move it away from later hours of the night, which is what you want to do anyway. The afternoon snack is the lightest meal, and around the time that you have the longest gap in your meals (other than when you sleep at night), so it can absorb the most food items from the surrounding meals.

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