Too much food for my schedule

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Too much food for my schedule


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    I believe this is too much to eat in such a short period in the day. I normally get up at 8:30am (retired). I have coffee and about 1/2 hour later I have breakfast. My last bit of food has to be around 7PM as I have gerd and cannot eat before bed. Is it ok to skip some of the snacks? Also, I had my breakfast today that consisted of 1 egg, 1 whole wh. English muffin, 2 slices of cheddar cheese which was about 1 1/2 oz. instead of 2 oz. and 1/2 cup of blueberries instead of the recommended 1 cup. I am really full. By the time I am ready for my first snack it will be lunch time. Please help because I NEED to lose 20 lbs. for health reasons and 10 more for my vanity!!! ?. Thanks.


    Anyone can answer my previous question?? Thanks.


    Hello! Can you help me with my previous question? Thanks.


    Hi, Graciela2. If it is too much food, you absolutely can cut back a little. Just make sure that you get in at least 5 total fruit/vegetable and 3 calcium-rich food/beverage servings each day.

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