Home Forums Nutrition & Diet VEGAN SUBSITUTE

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    Ok, you seem to really be trying. WHY is SEITAN and TOFU the only VEGAN SUBSTITUTE? And I do not take kindly to the wording VEGAN SUBSTITUTE like it was not as good as DAIRY which by the way is one of the worse things for you. Romaine lettuce has more protein pure weight than steak. And why are NON DAIRY choices under DAIRY – why not put them under VEGAN SUBSTITUTE so I can find them. There is more work to be had on this “PLAN” “Man makes PLANS, God Laughs” and I am sure God is laughing at this one. I am sure this is not the first mention of this.


    There are also the following: fu and tempeh (meat sub) and fuyu (dairy sub). If you like natto, you can sub for tempeh (it is not in the planner because most people cannot relate to it).
    We will be arranging for a separate meal planner for vegans, so the word “substitute” will not be relevant.
    As for lettuce, the amount and quality of the protein is not like steak, but it can complement another vegetal protein to make a high-quality protein meal.
    PS: I am a vegan, so believe me, I have your back.


    What I forgot (oh it is spelled SUBSTITUTE) is Beans and Lentils –
    I am sooo sure I am forgetting something for Protein as eating VEGAN STYLE is not only good it really is EASY. Chia seed – isn’t that what Tala Manda Indians use – only that and water to go 50 miles. or Chia would be considered a fat.. the best there is.

    The amount of actual protein absorbed / utilized by steak vs romaine- the romaine wins hands down. The steak on the other hand causes problems with all the acidity. It is basically signing up for death. Thank you.


    Yes I agree with putting the substitutes for Vegan under Vegan. Ossie when do you forsee the implementing a Vegan Plan. I really need to get my body balanced. I am 61 and need to loose about 20 lbs.


    I don’t have an ETA, but it won’t be too long.

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