Vegetarian options… UK??

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    Hi everyone! I joined a few days ago and still navigating the site and today managed to get my meal plan sorted! Here in the uk we only really have the choice of Quorn or Tofu as a replacement for meat.I have struggled for years in choosing a healthy diet. The options on the meal plan are either Tempeh or Seitan!!?? I have never heard of these before and wonder if any other veggies out there have advice when replacing these options? appreciated x


    Dear Raiin
    I have found I can get seitan from Amazon in jars, ready made just needs heating up. Also you can get braised tofu in cans, which I use instead of tuna fish (they look and feel pretty similar). I have also found a tempeh website in the uk who make it fresh, you can get some and freeze as you wish. Here is the link:
    Hope this all helps. I suspect the quorn (which I was using before the diet) is actually too high in many of it’s nutritional values to really use?? Good luck.


    Thanks nailart! really helpfull 🙂 will have a look at the link and get some alternatives as still using the quorn left in the freezer until i gather new supplies!
    I am on day 3 of this diet and finding it quite good! how are you finding it? xx
    Raiin x


    Hi, Raiin. Tempeh is fermented soy (considered healthier than tofu), and seitan is a wheat gluten-based meat replacer (it is a component of quorn).

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