Vegetarian protein choices

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    My name is Winona and I am a vegetarian
    How do I make the substitute for meat since I have to avoid soy. What protein supplements can I use?


    Hi, winhud, and welcome! Hopefully you have checked “Vegetarian” in your profile so that your menu will be built according to the appropriate pattern to meet your nutritional needs. If you also avoid dairy, be sure to check that, too. I’m assuming by your questions that you avoid all animal products. If not, then dairy and eggs are sources of high-quality protein.
    Try choosing legumes and good-protein grains such as quinoa and amaranth as carbohydrate sources, and take advantage of nuts and seeds in the protein section. You can also eat mushrooms as freely as you wish, and some specialty types are very high in good-quality protein; seaweeds/algae are also options that are “free”. Further, you can choose vegetables and fruits that are particularly high in protein, such as broccoli, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, peaches, figs, and some exotics such as cherimoya and guava. Avocado is also a relatively protein-rich fruit, considered a fat in the Menu Planner. Finally, if you are not sensitive/intolerant to gluten, seitan and the similar “fu” products are very rich in protein that is well-complimented by legumes, certain vegetables (such as red peppers and corn), as well as seaweeds.
    It is preferable to try to meet your protein needs through whole foods rather than supplements. If you find this is not working well for you, please do repost, and I will help you find something.

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