Weekly Menu

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  • #3784

    Your weekly menu suggestions for me have me stymied. For instance, my lunch menu for Monday reads:
    1 cup cabbage
    3 oz. turkey
    1 cup potato (white)
    This combination is strange and doesn’t make any sense, and how are these supposed to be prepared?


    Prepare them however you wish – paying attention not to go overboard with oils and salt. For example, you can slice the potato, spray the slices with olive oil (i.e. with a mister) and bake/broil them until soft and browned. The turkey you can season with various herbs and spices and broil. The cabbage can be sliced and seasoned with vinegar or lemon and a tsp. of oil, and served as a salad, or steamed. You can also just cut everything up and cook them in a pot of broth to make a soup.

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