What if you are vegetarian?

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    I am trying to get through the menu planner but the food selection section will not let me proceed. I need to select six proteins for the dinner menu but only two are listed. If I pick four animal proteins just to get through the wizard, then 2/3 of the suggestions will be inappropriate. How have other vegetarians navigated this obstacle? Thanx.


    Great to know another vegetarian has joined the club! It is the wave of the future.
    There are some vegetarian options in the lists, and we are currently upgrading the system to be vegetarian- and vegan-friendly. The evening meal is the most challenging right now – so in the meantime, choose whatever, and then swap out the meats with seitan, fu, tempeh, edamame, or fermented soybeans ounce for ounce, nuts 1/2 ounce (about 2 Tbsp), or nut butter 1 tablespoon for each ounce.



    I loved the Trim Down Club presentation I stumbled across online and I wanted to join, but hesitated because I’m a vegetarian. Has the menu plans changed since this post 2 months ago?

    Thank you.


    YES! The upgraded Menu Planner is now very vegetarian, even vegan, friendly. If you have any other questions about it, please feel free to post here.


    Yes I now trying to do the planer but keep saying not enough ingredients I there is nothing else to pick. Help!!


    Hi, Kazy. What items would you like to see that aren’t there?

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