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    I just joined this morning and as I read through some of the literature I was struck with how similar this is to the Phillips book on “Eating for Life”. I did quite well with that diet a couple of years ago but got away from it because it was expensive, time consuming and, although not restrictive, very inconvenient and guilt producing…LOL. I don’t overeat as a habit. If anything, I skip meals. Not with the idea of loosing weight but just because I don’t think about eating. It is a chore for me to remember to eat 6 meals a day. The other concern is, where do you find half the stuff they recommend? What is SWG….I’m sure the answer lies somewhere in here. Bottom line: I just want to start a dialog with someone to compare notes. My target problem is lots of fat around the midsection. I still wear the same size pants (34’s) but that creates a “muffin top”. Go to a 36 waist and my butt is swimming in them. No way will I stick strictly to the diet and recipies used here. Do I have a chance. The money I paid to join is a drop in the bucket as compared to what I’d go through at a casino, so I’m not worried about that. Hope I hear from someone.


    Hi ive been doing this for about 2 weeks now and can hopefully help you SWG is sprouted whole grain a lot of questions are answerd in FAQ at the bottom of the page along with contact us ect. it might help to set an alarm for a couple of days to get your timings, as my husband is watching his food as well its not always possible for me to follow the teatime meals so we use the eating for life book as well as a English book by hairy bikers ‘how to loose weight’ (try amazon for that)what exercise are you doing


    Exercise…..oh, yeah. That is supposed to be part of it, huh. Well, my insurance is now covering Silver Sneekers gym memberships, so it is hard to come up with an excuse for not exercising except that I hate it!!!!!! I used to be a religious work out freak back in my younger days. To answer your question, I get up in the morning and putter around the house.


    have you tried cycling? my dad is 64 and dose 15 miles a week!


    Cycling is one thing that I have done. I also have a treadmill and manage to get on it now and then. Consistency is my problem. Always something else to do…..even if doing nothing is what I have to do….LOL. I find that my older age makes it a little risky to cycle like I used to. No wheelies….LOL.


    This is what I am up agains. My daughter and her family came out this weekend to visit. We have a pork roast dinner planned for this afternoon. Yesterday when they arrived it was pizza! I love pizza. I could eat it every day for every meal. Needless to say, I over did it last night….I know I did. Also had a diet pepsi with it…..at least is was not beer. I sacrificed and did not join the wife and daughter in a Vodka Tonic….that took some willpower. Off to a good start…huu?


    have you considered giving yourself 1 day a week off? this allows you to treat yourself, obviously not eating all the fat and calories that you have lost in the week but it gives you a break and yes you will still loose weight


    Yes. I have always planned to do that, but what always happens is that some social event takes place and that blows everything. I try and limit myself though when I have to go out and “be among them”.


    My 71st birthday was about a month ago and this is the first time I have been able to see my daughter since then. As I said earlier they visited this weekend. Sooooooo to add to all the other stuff that I have had to take part of this weekend, you can add Italian Rum birthday cake. Then today we took the grandkids out for bowling…..guess who had a special going……Jack In The Box…..There went a cheesburger, curly fries and a diet coke…..LOL…..should I feel guilty?????


    hell no, you should not feel guilty if you cant celebrate with your family then something has gone wrong. I don’t diet over xmas or my birthday and we will be going to our favourite restaurant for valentines day, the important thing is that your eating is good most of the time


    Basically my eating habits are not that bad except that I don’t eat. I’ll have a bowl of Cheerios with 2% milk, a cup of coffee (black)….maybe two, and sometimes a banana. Unless my wife reminds me, I don’t even think about lunch. Dinner is usually some lean meat, vegitables and maybe a glass of wine. I can’t get into the habit of eating throughout the day. Of course the other problem is no exercise except for my puttering around the house and doing my woodworking.


    well I don’t think you need me to tell you your not eating enough start small and add lunch, one thing at a time don’t worry about the exercise


    That is the part that doesn’t make sense to me. If I am not eating enough, why don’t I feel hungry when lunchtime rolls around? Is it because my body has stored up so much fat that it is feeding off of that. If that were the case, would’t I loose the fat? I know I am missing something here.


    honestly I don’t know, I will ask my husband (he used to be a power lifter) all I know is this thing works in some way because ive lost 5lb for the first time since having my son I weigh 13st. I will get back to you about your lunch dilemma


    How do I put this? it could be your metabolism slowing down as you get older it would be an idea to contact the dietician online and get some advice from them. sorry I cant give you a better answer

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