White meat vs. red meat

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    Since white meat is lower in fat and calories, for months now I have been eating only white meat. Now, since I’ve been avoiding red meat for so long, I started to worry that this could also be bad, because I read that red meat is a better source of protein and some other nutrients (such as iron and zinc).

    So, should I eat red meat as well? How often? I thought it might be fine if I eat white meat 80% of the time and red meat 20% of the time. If anyone has better advice on this, please share. Thanks.


    Red meat has the advantage of being higher in iron than white meat. However, it is also notably higher in sasturated fat (especially if you remove the skin from poultry) and is much harder on the digestive system than poultry or fish. If you like red meat, your percent distribution looks good (i.e. red meat 1-2 portions/week) – however, it is still a matter of absolute portion size, too. The recommended maximum portion size is about 4 ounces at one sitting (the size of the palm of your hand), and no more than twice/day.
    It is also recommended to forgo meat altogether a couple of times per week and try alternatives like beans, nuts, even low-fat dairy.


    This is interesting. I grew up in a family where we had meat almost every day, so it became normal for me to eat it regularly. However, now that I live on my own I only eat meat 2-3 days per week and it feels enough. So far I usually ate white meat, but I will try to also eat red meat now and then.


    I have a feeling that eating red meat makes my meals seem “heavier”. It makes me feel that as if I’m somehow ruining my diet. It is merely psychological, but still… I decided to eat white meat and fish for the next two weeks or so and then switch back to occasional red meat.

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