Loaded with healthy fats, this meal is creamy, smooth and has the same texture of traditional hummus.

Kcal: 610 Proteins: 8 Fat: 62 Net Carbs: 5

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  • Preparation Time

    10 minutes
  • Baking Time

    0 minutes
  • Difficulty Rating

  • Health Level

  • Serves



  • Avocado, 1 avocado (158 g)
  • Macadamia nuts, 0.75 cup (93 g)
  • Tahini paste, 1 Tbsp (15 g)
  • Olive Oil, 1.5 tablespoons (23 g)
  • Lemon Juice, 1 tablespoon (16 g)
  • Parsley, 1 sprig (1 g)
  • Table salt, 1/2 teaspoon (3 g)
  • Garlic, 1 garlic clove (4 g)


  1. Soak the macadamia nuts in a container filled with water for 3 hours at least (better if overnight)
  2. Rinse the nuts carefully and remove any excess water.
  3. Cut the avocado, peel it and remove the seed.
  4. Put all the ingredients, except for the parsley in a food processor and process until blended.
  5. Add parsley on top and serve.

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Comments 8

    • Hi, Kimrobin. Click on the edit or crossout tool to the immediate right of the food item you don’t want (you will see these when you let your mouse arrow hover over the item), then select a replacement from the pop-up list.

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