No time in the morning? This tasty omelette takes just 5 minutes and is suitable for all the family

Kcal: 600 Proteins: 18 Fat: 55 Net Carbs: 6.5

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  • Preparation Time

    10 minutes
  • Baking Time

    0 minutes
  • Difficulty Rating

  • Health Level

  • Serves



  • Raw Egg, 2 egg (86 g)
  • Olive Oil, 2 1/2 tablespoon (38 g)
  • 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes (75 g)
  • Parsley, 10 sprigs (10 g)
  • Cheddar Cheese, grated, 1/4 cups (28 g)
  • Table salt, 1/3 tsp (1 g)
  • Onion, Fresh, 1/2 small (35 g)


  1. Cut the cherry tomatoes in halves and chop onion and parsley.
  2. Beat the eggs in a bowl. Season with salt and parsley.
  3. Heat the olive oil in a pan. Pour in the egg mixture. Draw the mixture away from the sides of the pan towards the centre as it cooks.
  4. When the egg mixture is nearly cooked (2-3 minutes), add tomatoes, onions and grated cheddar to the centre of the omelette. Flip one side of the omelette over the other, then gently slide the omelette on to a plate to serve

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Comments 32

    • Hi, Mzburton65. You can do this by deselecting “keto” in the “Dietary Needs” section of your profile (lower right area), then generating a new menu. Once you have the flexible menu template, click on the edit tool at the upper right of each meal, then make your food selections – you will be guided by the meal pattern, which you can make keto through the following substitutions:
      * For each carbohydrate exchange, use two fat exchanges
      * For each fruit exchange, use a vegetable exchange (unless you use low-carbohydrate fruits like cantaloupe, casava melon, raspberries, or strawberries.
      * For a fruit exchange, use an ounce of dark chocolate (preferably 70% or higher cocoa solids) or a 125-calorie portion of one of our keto desserts.
      The foods are intentionally fairly generic, so that you can prepare them as you wish, still following the keto principles exhibited in our recipes. You can see what foods are considered to be keto supportive here:
      If you prefer fewer meals per day as in the keto plan, you can add exchanges from the unwanted snacks to your other meals. Note that since the system wants something at every meal, you can just add a random item like “Vegetables of Your Choice.”
      If you would like additional help, please let me know.

    • Hi, a28wildtiger. This recipe has only 8 g carbohydrate per serving, nearly all from the tomato. The available carbohydrates (non-fiber) are even fewer, and fruits and vegetables are an essential part of any plan. At the end of the day, you will end up with around 20 grams of available carbohydrate, which is all that matters for keto

  1. Just joined this AM. Let me say how excited I am to be on this site and diet.
    I began with Menu 1..I cannot use 2 1/2 TBS Olive oil. I used 1.5 TBS and had a difficult time eating an omelette that I love. Why does the receipe call for so much olive oil?
    Also, is this a true Keto diet for the next month?
    Thanks for any assistance!

    • Hi, GailMarie1, and welcome! All the olive oil is to make sure there are more fat grams than carbohydrate+protein grams combined, which is what makes a recipe keto-supportive. This recipe, however, does have some wiggle room, so you can use a bit less.

  2. Goodmorning I just ordered this. I’m new to this change of life. I didn’t get a chance to go grocery shopping. Could you give me a list of groceries to go shopping for. Also Could I do egg whites instead of eggs. Also my first meal I don’t have tomatoes, what else could I do. Thanks for welcoming me aboard

    • Hi, Hanymichael. You can, but be sure that the carbohydrate+protein amount in the bread does not tip the total to more than the total amount of fat in your meal. You may get better results trying a keto-type bread. No less important, reduce the amount of omelette you eat so that you don’t overdo the calories.

    • Hi, Lucy23. You would need to use an appropriately-sized pan, of course, to make sure that there isn’t just a hill of onion pieces. Note also that you don’t need them to be completely brown all over, just mostly translucent and golden, with some browning.

    • Hi, Jysantana. Us a fatty meat like pork bacon (preferably uncured) – 1 regular slice for each teaspoon of oil; pancetta – 1/2 ounce for each teaspoon of oil; pork sausage (preferably fresh) – 10 grams for each teaspoon of oil.

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