Skip the trip AND the chemicals: all you need for carnival-quality—but homemade and healthy—kettle corn is right here.

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  • Preparation Time

    5 minutes
  • Cooking Time

    5-15 minutes
  • Difficulty Rating

  • Health Level

  • Serves



  1. ½ cup / 84 g organic dried corn kernels for popping or 1 3.5-oz / 99-g bag organic plain microwave popcorn
  2. 2-4 Tbsp. / 30-60 ml organic canola/rapeseed or nut oil
  3. ¼ cup / 30 g whole raw or coconut sugar
  4. Optional: ¼ tsp. / 1 ½ g salt, preferably Aztec, Celtic, Himalayan or similar or plain salt substitute


From regular dried corn kernels
    1. Warm oil in a large lidded stewpot over medium heat.
    2. Once hot, stir in the sugar and popcorn.
    3. Cover, and shake the pot constantly to prevent from burning, about 15 minutes.
    4. Once the popping has slowed to once every 2 to 3 seconds, remove the pot from the heat and continue to shake for a few minutes until the popping has stopped.
  From microwavable popcorn
  1. Pop bagged corn in microwave according to manufacturer instructions, generally about 2½-3½ minutes.
  2. When fully popped, empty bag contents into large lidded stew pot.
  3. Add remaining ingredients and toss to coat well.
  4. Allow to cook over medium heat for about 2-3 minutes, shaking to ensure even heating and prevent burning.
Pour into a large bowl, and allow to cool before serving.
  • Serving Size: 1½ cups / 45 g
  • Exchanges per Serving: 1 Carb, 0 Protein, 1 Fat

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Comments 45

  1. I’m surprised how many people don’t eat popcorn. It’s a fantastic low fat way to fill you up and has been used by celebrities in the past to lose weight! I’m not sure why there’s sugar in it though. .. plain, seasalt & ground black pepper or a sprinkling of cinnamon would be better options.

  2. I love popcorn, especially kettle corn and can’t wait to try this recipe! I even found raw coconut sugar at my local grocery store today and purchased it because I remembered seeing it in some of the recipes that I have seen on the Trim Down Club website.

    • Hi, Walkmore. Canola/rapeseed is a common oil found in grocery stores that is flavorless. It is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, and is relatively stable for cooking. It is best to buy the type that is organic and cold-pressed.

    • Hi, Kimmy. The “carb” is an exchange with 15 grams of carbohydrates (based on a system established by diabetes organizations). That amount per the suggested serving size is actually significantly lower than regular kettle corn, especially with regard to the simple sugars (and the type of sugar we recommend is much easier on your metabolism than refined cane sugar or fructose). Overall, our menus have about 45% of the energy from carbohydrates, which is considered low (the average diet is about 65%).

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