You may assume that you are destined to months of coughing and sneezing when the cold winter months hit. If you have kids you are particularly susceptible as they seem to bring just about every germ into the house. What you may not realize though is that if you are practicing truly healthy living, then you may very well be able to beat the winter bug.


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Sure it’s true that the cold and flu are both viruses that are easily transferred amongst people. Just touching a doorknob or elevator button can spread the virus and make you susceptible to all of the awful side effects. There are however some great ways to boost your immune system and to ward off that illness before it takes over. So before you honker down with a box of Kleenex and wait for the worst, know that there are some simple but effective ways to keep the cold away. 

Naturally Boost Your Immune System
You hear it all the time but it’s true when they say that the stronger your immune system is the more likely you are to stay healthy. If you are looking for ways to naturally boost your immune system, help can come in the way of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

First and foremost you want to increase your intake of Vitamin D. While it’s true that Vitamin C can most certainly help to get rid of the cold and flu symptoms, Vitamin D can prevent them from ever taking over. You also want to turn to a multivitamin that gives you proper amounts of all the nutrients you need on a daily basis.
There are some herbs that you can use for naturally boosting the immune system as well. In addition to Vitamin D and zinc which can help to keep the symptoms away, you want to take these herbs for strength and prevention. Echinacea is a recognized name and it offers great merit to your immune system.

Eat the Right Foods
It’s not just enough to take your vitamins and minerals every day as you also want to turn to the right foods. Eating plenty of bright colored fruits and vegetables such as peppers, oranges, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and berries can help a lot too. They offer helpful servings of antioxidants which can help to ward off any foreign substance, such as a virus, that may enter the body.
Eating right also helps to naturally boost the immune system and keep you strong. You are what you eat so get rid of all the fatty and processed foods and focus on all the right foods. Get your daily servings of whole grains, lean proteins, low fat dairy products, good fats, and of course fresh fruits and vegetables. This will keep you healthy and strong and make you less likely to succumb to the terrible viruses that go around.

Exercise Can Really Help
Yes contrary to popular myths you do want to exercise to keep yourself healthy. Do be sure to take it easy if you are already sick, but in working towards prevention exercise can help. You can sweat out the toxins, keep the lungs working properly, and overall ensure that your body stays strong. You should always be exercising but it can help in keeping your body strong and your immune system working.

Resting Your Body and Your Mind
It’s not just a myth when they say that you need your rest. In order to beat the cold and flu bug you need to be getting plenty of rest. It’s not only important to get plenty of rest when you are sick as it can really help you to keep it away. The more rest that you get the less likely you are to get run down and that’s when illness can often hit.
You also need to be resting your mind as you rest your body. This has everything to do with properly managing your stress. When you are overly stressed, mentally exhausted, or run down then this is often when illness can hit. Take the time to rest your body and your mind each and every day to stay healthy.

True Merit in Keeping Clean
Finally know that there is no limit to how clean you should keep your hands. Do be diligent about hand washing as this isn’t just a myth. Bring along hand sanitizers for the on the go use but know that they don’t kill all germs and bugs. Whenever possible, particularly after you have been out in public and touching surfaces, soap up and wash away any germs that may be trying to get the better of you.

 Click here to learn more about the Trim Down Club.

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Comments 3

  1. Hi, LeaDunner. The following are foods that are low in vitamin K, arranged by food group:
    Vegetables: Artichokes, Bamboo Shoots, Beets, Cucumbers, Eggplants, Lettuce (Iceberg), Onions, Mushrooms, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Rutabagas, Squash (Summer and Winter), Corn (Organic), Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Turnips
    Fruit: Apples, Bananas, Litchis, Nectarines, Oranges, Peaches, Pineapple, Strawberries, Watermelon
    Grains/Starches: Bread (Whole Grain), Buckwheat, Bulgur, Cornmeal (White or Yellow), Couscous, Millet, Pasta (Whole Grain), Quinoa, Rice (Whole Brown)

  2. I am taking coumadin for the next few months. I have to avoid foods with vitamin K, leafy vegetables, green vegetables, Cranberry and I don’t know what else. Can you suggest foods that I can take and vitamins also that will help me: I cannot exercise right now since I have to have a hop replacement. One of the many reasons I have gained weight. Since I cannot exercise ( last two years) I have gained 30 pounds. I desperately need help.

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